
2024 Fish & Water Quality Committee Update

Fish & Water Quality Committee Update

First, as promised, I have info on the Mat options for controlling weeds around docks and swim areas and supporting the lake bottom on your shorelines. The two main options are: 1) mats that can be ordered through Aquatic Controls (AQ)—Muck Mat and Lake Mat, and 2) Lake Bottom Blanket ordered on your own (no bulk orders). We will get the AC bulk price for Muck and Lake Mats. The Muck Mat is designed to control weeds and provide a stable lake bottom more at the shore level to be able to walk on in mucky/soft areas.

This has a peripheral frame with a heavy mesh netting on the backside for strength and stability. It will have a peripheral frame and heavy membrane to control weeds in deeper areas (>4-5 feet depth where walking on it is not a concern). The Lake Bottom Blanket is a 3- ply mat with loop folds every 5 feet and uses 3/8 re-rod in 10-foot lengths in these folds to lay this down on the bottom and is an excellent way to control weeds in deeper areas (like the ends of docks or deeper swim areas). Costs are as follows:

Muck Mat Pro
RetailAC base priceAC bulk price
12 x 14$437$402$371
12 x 19$497$457$422
12 x 24$567$521$481
Lake Mat Pro

12 x 14$347$319$294
12 x 19$397$365$337

Aquatic controls will install the above for $300 for first and $125 for additional mats. Text or email Grant Greenman with questions/ orders: cell: 515.473.2397 Email: grantg@aquaticcontrol.com

Lake Bottom Blanket

Approx total price w/shipping
10 x 20170need 5 rebar240
10 x 30225need 7 rebar310
10 x 40275need 9 rebar375

Rebar (3/8’ x 10’) are approx. $5-8 depending where you buy. Shipping is an additional $40-50. NOTE: Please remember that shore structures/docks are limited to 40’ from your shoreline out into the lake.

Second, we will continue habitat restoration work and plan on placement of more of the synthetic structures as well as more submerged trees, doing this as carefully as possible with Board and Lake Manager approval. We will limit this so as not to affect boating or swimming areas. If anyone would like to help with this work, please contact me.

Third, fishing tournaments will continue as per previous years. The Spring Large mouth Bass Tournament will occur on April 27. Entry forms and rules are on the website and in the association office. The popular Kids’ Tournament will occur on June 29. Fish in the morning and lunch/awards at the Beach Shelter. Many thanks to Darla Turner and her team and Nick for frying fish!

Fourth, Fish management efforts will continue with stocking Red Ear Sunfish (10,000), Walleye (3000), and Perch (2000). We will add more Crawfish if we can get them in a cost-effective way. Remember, there is no commercial guiding on the lake. NO real fish (alive or dead) are to be used for bait, for the whole year. Fishing committee members will participate in Lake Patrolling this year. This will help us monitor the lake usage AND ALSO understand more fully the use of the lake. We look forward to talking to the people who fish to understand your needs better. The daily limits are adjusted a bit and noted below. We are limiting Walleye possession to 3 per homeowner and 6 per household per day total. So, additional family and guests count in these daily limits. 2024 Daily fishing limits. See the separate page in this issue, as well as on the website, for specifics.

Fifth, we will be doing some supervised weed control with chemicals at the two boat ramps. This will improve swimming at the beach and quality of water for boat access (especially controlling the Naiad weeds—the heavy horsehair type weed--which damage props and impellers).

Lastly,  We are all looking forward to another great summer at the lake. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Text me 515-681-3572.  Thanks to all of you who help our beautiful lake!

Doug Massop